The old one – promoted for a whole year after the event, written up in the Government’s Official Account (2006), and then by Andy Hayman, in his 2009 book “The Terrorist Hunters” - had become simply untenable.
The original narrative has them leaving Luton at 7.40, and then hopping into a CCTV frame at 8.26 at King’s Cross. The trouble was, the actual train times that day, shows that all the buses had massive delays (see the Table below) – the Four would have arrived at King’s Cross far too late to board the relevant trains.
Let us look at a few details relating to the train times from Luton that morning.
The ‘so-called’ bus bomber’, Hasib Hussain, appeared at King’s Cross station wandering about alone on the morning of 7/7. CCTV footage of this was shown to the Inquest on Wednesday October 13th. They showed almost continuous footage spanning 8.55am to 9.22 am, i.e. he started appearing on various King’s Cross CCTV cameras at five to nine. Watching this, I was convinced for the first time ever that Hasib Hussein had really and truly been in London on that morning. I suggest this indicates that he and his colleagues did not arrive at 8.23, as the police are trying to maintain – that would have Hasib hovering about invisibly for half an hour. This video footage in itself becomes strong evidence that the Four arrived in London too late to be present on the bombed carriages.
June 28th 2005 ‘Dry Run’ timings
Three of the Four came to London ten days earlier on June 28th, and the Inquest was shown CCTV with timestamps of them entering Luton station (See ‘Bridget’, here). They took exactly five minutes from the lower-ground entrance door to go through the station, get their tickets and go onto the platform:
08.10.07 Enter Luton station (and buy tickets), 08.14.26 Go through barriers, 08.15.07 Enter platform
July 7th New ‘Official Narrative’ timings
Then the court showed similar CCTV sequence of July 7th with the Four carrying (alleged deadly-bomb) rucksacks. Now they only took one and a half minutes to complete exactly the same movements:
07.21.54 Enter Luton, 07.22.43 Go through barriers, 07.23.27 On platform.
What we see here is a crucial and necessary new reworking of the timeline.
Remember that for a whole year all of the government sources and the media were singing from the same hymn-sheet, claiming that the Four had caught the 7.40 train from Luton.
If perchance we wanted to see the well-known Luton CCTV image as genuine, then would be easy to see how the government made its ‘mistake’ with the early train boarding time: it would not be a mistake at all, but rather it would be the only reasonable narrative for the train the Four actually could have caught: that which left at around 7:40.
We should also understand that the witnesses they have produced at this Inquest, swearing they saw the Four on that very Thameslink train (the 7:25) can not have presented their ‘evidence’ before 2006 – because, until 2006 the Government, the police, the BBC and national newspapers were all agreeing that the Four had caught either the 7.40 or the 7.48 train from Luton . These were the two options we were originally given. They could not have believed this had such ‘evidence’ already existed.
The anonymous authors of the original Official Account who told the government’s story in May 2006 alluded to witnesses who saw the Four on the 7:40 train.
Bearing in mind that the old ‘evidence’ has been scrapped, why should we believe any of the new evidence?
I suggest Andy Hayman is a fairly honest cop. His book more or less just reiterated the ‘Official Account’ story – unaltered. As head of the ‘Counter-Terror Command’ he had to. He did not want to get pulled into the murky quagmire of claiming the Four had caught the earlier train – as if all of the ‘witnesses’ and ‘evidence’ for the later train could just be erased: so he stuck to the non-existent 7.40! He has now moved on, and writes for Murdoch’s news empire, which seals him (to digress) into silence… It is likely that the Four more or less caught the train which they had been told to get, i.e. the 7.40. They caught the delayed 7.30 which left Luton station at 7.42. The actual CCTV of the Four in London could never be shown because, unfortunately for the planners, there were serious delays on the Luton/King’s Cross line on the morning of 7/7 so their train arrived too late for them to have participated in the terror-drill. The timing of the explosions had been preset (in the tunnels) and could not, like the ‘bombers’ themselves, be delayed. Even if new time-stamps were put on the thousands of minutes of CCTV footage that undoubtedly did exist, this footage would remain unusable because the Four would, at all times, have been surrounded by crowds of people all of whom presented an uncontrollable danger that they might come forward and testify against the accuracy of any such footage used by the state. This is why we have only ever been shown a few dodgy images of the Four alone … and the most crucial picture to the government narrative (at King’s Cross, 8.26 am) is dark and blurred, with a time/date- stamp right across its centre quite different from any other CCTV time/date stamp we have seen for the July 7th (or June 28th) pics. Has it been added on afterwards? Is a trace of the original timestamp visible on the right-hand side? Why could this image not be shown to the public for three years? These questions won’t go away.
Summarising, if you want to believe the Four entered Luton Thameslink at 7.22 – as the famous photoshopped picture shows – they would have then had no intention of catching the 7.24 (which left at 7.25). They would have proceeded at their leisure to catch the 7.40, as instructed. A glance at the pictures available shows that the Four looked, at all times, very relaxed indeed. They certainly do not look like men rushing boldly forward for a meeting with Allah.
Considering the evidence so far presented at the 7/7 Inquest it is ever clearer that the new official story does nothing to quell the doubts and anomalies raised by previous narratives and timelines. Rather the reverse.
Luton – King’s Cross Thameslink timetable for the morning of July 7th, 7-8 am

08.35 : The Eastbound Circle line train that exploded, leaves King’s Cross.
August 2008: the image of the Four at King’s Cross Thameslink, on July 7th, stamped with the time of 8.26, is for the first time released.
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