The Fabian Society has played a central role for more than a century in the development of political ideas and public policy on the left of centre. Analysing the key challenges facing the UK and the rest of the industrialised world in a changing society and global economy, the society's programme aims to explore the political ideas and the policy reforms which will define progressive politics in the new century. The society is unique among think-tanks in being a democratically-constituted membership organisation. It is affiliated to the Labour Party but is editorially and organisationally independent. Through its publications, seminars and conferences, the society provides an arena for open-minded public debate. All Labour Prime Ministers have been members of the Fabian Society, while the Young Fabians have been influential in creating debate and as an arena for young people with an interest in politics to both influence and learn from influential political figures. From its beginning the Fabian Society has offered a forum for women to discuss and debate the issues of the day. Well before women won the vote, Fabian women were at the forefront of the arguments for gender equality. Fabian women formed their own group in 1908 and there continues to be a Fabian Women's Network. The Young Fabians are the under-31s section of the Fabian Society and were set up in 1960. They have more than 1000 members and work on policy ideas as well as holding conferences. They hold regular social events, such as their summer party, as well organising seminars with ministers and discussion sessions. Recent activities have included policy roundtables covering areas such as health, education and Europe. The current chair is Kate Groucutt. George Bernard Shaw, HG Wells , Beatrice and Sidney Webb, Emmeline Pankhurst, E Nesbit, Bernard Crick, Rupert Brooke, Oscar Wilde, Peter Townsend, Ernest Bevin and all Labour prime ministers. The Fabian Society is a think-tank with a self-proclaimed 'noble' aim then. So why would the original coat-of-arms of a 'noble', extremely influential society, affiliated with the Labour Party, consist of a wolf in sheep's clothing? There could not be a more appropriate image to represent Cultural Marxism than a wolf in sheep's clothing. Not to mention the fact that it was originally founded in the year of Karl Marx's death to promote his ideas. It is a Marxist society - The British government are, through this, strongly affiliated with the Marxist ideal of a new world. ...and compare them with Frankfurt School and known New World Order propaganda, it becomes chillingly clear that the Fabian Society is a devious, powerful, subversive organisation dedicated to creating a new, post-modern society against our wishes.
Opus Dei Opus Dei is an organization of the Catholic Church that emphasizes the Catholic belief that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The celibate numeraries and numerary assistants live in special centers, while associates are celibate members living in their private homes. The order was founded in Spain in 1928 by Roman Catholic priest JosemarĂa Escrivá with the approval of Pope Pius XII.
When Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code was published, it claimed that Opus Dei was a secret organization within the Church whose aim was to defeat the Priory of Sion and those who seek to uncover the “truth” about Christianity and the alleged royal bloodline of Christ. Outside of the book, there has been a great deal of controversy over Opus Dei because of the strictness of its religious structure. The Catholic Church forbids secret societies and membership in them, and Opus Dei investigators have frequently debunked claims that this organization is acting in secrecy to further a sinister agenda.
The Fabian Society, founded in 1884 in Great Britain to promote Socialism. The Fabian Society takes its name from the Roman General Fabius Maximus, who fought Hannibal's army in small debilitating skirmishes, rather than attempting one decisive battle.
The fabien society and their not so secret agenda
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