Greenpeace stands for positive change through action, defend the natural world and promote peace.
They investigate, expose and confront environmental abuse by governments and corporations around the world.
They also champion environmentally responsible and socially just solutions, including scientific and technical innovation.
Our goal is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity. We organise public campaigns:
for preventing climate change by ending our addiction to polluting fuels and promoting clean, renewable and efficient energy
for the protection of oceans and ancient forests
for the elimination of toxic chemicals
against the release of genetically modified organisms into nature
for nuclear disarmament and an end to nuclear contamination.
Greenpeace does not solicit or accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties. Greenpeace neither seeks nor accepts donations which could compromise our independence, aims, objectives or integrity. Greenpeace relies on the voluntary donations of individual supporters, and on grant-support from foundations.
They are committed to the principles of non-violence, political independence and internationalism. In exposing threats to the environment and in working to find solutions, Greenpeace has no permanent allies or enemies.
Greenpeace have been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971 , when a small boat of volunteers and journalists sailed into Amchitka, an area north of Alaska, where the US government was conducting underground nuclear tests. This tradition of 'bearing witness' in a non-violent manner continues today.
Greenpeace has played a pivotal role in, among other things, the adoption of:
a ban on toxic waste exports to less developed countries
a moratorium on commercial whaling
a United Nations convention providing for better management of world fisheries
a Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary
a 50-year moratorium on mineral exploitation in Antarctica
bans on the dumping at sea of radioactive and industrial waste and disused oil installations
an end to large-scale driftnet fishing on the high-seas
a ban on all nuclear weapons testing - our first ever campaign.
Greenpeace consists of Greenpeace International (officially Stichting Greenpeace Council) based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and 28 regional offices operating in 45 countries. The regional offices work largely autonomously under the supervision of Greenpeace International. The executive director of Greenpeace is elected by the board members of Greenpeace International. The current director of Greenpeace International is Kumi Naidoo and the current Chair of the Board is held by Lalita Ramdas. Greenpeace has a staff of 2 400 and 15 000 volunteers globally.
Each regional office is led by a regional executive director elected by the regional board of directors. The regional boards also appoint a representative to The Greenpeace International Annual general meeting, where the representatives elect or remove the board of directors of Greenpeace International. The role of the annual general meeting is also to discuss and decide the overall principles and strategically important issues for Greenpeace in collaboration with the representatives of regional offices and Greenpeace International board of directors
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